Here are some of my favorite videos, articles, and a podcast episode I made to talk about the techniques I use to stay productive. They cover the Getting Things Done method, how to use technology while avoiding distractions, and various tools that have helped me over the years to stay productive. Enjoy!


How I use Productivity Apps and Organize my Digital Life
> Everything has a home and no visitors allowed. - David Crenshaw Productivity isn’t about cramming in as much as you can in a day; it’s about getting all of your work, chores, and errands done in a timely way so you can have more time to spend doing things that are really important, like spending t…
How to stay focused - distraction-free programming in a connected world
I, like many programmers (I assume), struggle with focusing and staying on task. Every hour of every day it seems I am being bombarded with texts, emails, messages, tweets, and in-person interruptions. Not to mention all of the blog sites I like to check and the new videos from my favorite YouTubers…
How the Book “Deep Work” has Helped Me Become a Better Software Developer
I read the book “Deep Work” by Cal Newport [] about five years ago now and it completely changed how I think about my work habits. The b…



Episode 1.4 | How to Finish Projects & Craft Resumes with The Jared Wilcurt
Listen to this episode and more from Faraday Tech Cafe Podcast on TuneIn. Jared is a Senior Software Engineer and Cross-Platform Desktop App (XPDA) developer. Fan of Sass, Vue.js, and NW.js. Builder of Scout-App, a popular open source library. Editor of Giver of talks and workshops on code…

👋 Stay in touch! 👋

If you have any additional recommendations or questions, let me know over on Discord!

I hope to do another productivity update soon since I started using a new method called The 12-Week Year.

Happy coding, everyone! 🎉