Helpful Resources to Learn Software Architecture
This is a companion blog writeup for an architecture video that will be live on my channel soon. I will post the link here when it's live.
Here are some of the resources I've found the most helpful to learn and stay up to date on this topic.
- "How to 'think' (and design) like a Software Architect" talk by Ron Kleinman
- "Visualising software architecture with the C4 model" talk by Simon Brown
- "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design" by Robert C. Martin
- "The Software Architect Elevator" by Gregor Hope
- "Software Architecture: The Hard Parts" by Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani
- "The Missing README" by Chris Riccomini and Dmitriy Ryaboy: If you are a new to the field of software development, I recommend reading this book first. It includes a chapter on software architecture.
- Software Architecture Radio: There aren't any new episodes from the last few years but still good information.
- Software Engineering Daily: They don't focus on architecture but have some good episodes on the topic.
I hope you found this helpful :)
Check out my Discord server if you have any recommendations or want to continue the discussion 🥰