Weekly Update - Dec 8th, 2019

Another winter week has flow by and I've used this time indoors to make plans for courses and content I want to create over the next year. In addition to publishing YouTube videos and writing articles every week, I have chosen to create in-depth content for at least one premium platform. I will post more information on that later on, once I have finalized some things. Topics include AWS microservices, Vue.js, Python, Jupyter, and a few more surprises.

Here is what I accomplished over the last week:

  1. Published YouTube videos on developer burnout, my story of how I became a software developer, and the types of software developer companies and jobs.
  2. Published a video this morning about mental health in the developer community.
  3. Published an article about the whole process of writing and launching my first technical book!
  4. I purchased livestreaming software and went through some training to learn how to properly livestream as well as screenshare better.

I will be publishing another article this Wednesday on some advice for crushing technical interviews as well as some more videos throughout the week. Subscribe below if you want the latest updates.

Have a great day and I'll post another update next Sunday!