Weekly update, July 12th, 2020

Hello, everyone!

I hope you had a good weekend, and let's get into what's coming up at the Academy this week :)

This Week

  • MONDAY: Instagram Q&A Livestream at 4pm (EDT)! It's a great way for me to answer any questions you might have and for us to get to know each other a little better. You can also send me questions through my question box found on my Instagram stories today!
  • WEDNESDAY: Livestream on my Twitch channel (1oam EDT)!!  Make sure to join me live so we can chat and I can answer any questions you have on the way.
  • FRIDAY: Vue.js project livestreams at @freeCodeCamp’s Youtube channel (10am ET). So far in this series, we created a drum machine, a markdown previewer, a calculator and a random quote machine all using Vue.js!
  • SUNDAY: Intro project livestreams on my Twitch channel!

And keep an eye out for my Youtube channel; I may also upload some short videos with new contents for you guys :)

Past Week

This past week we had a coding stream where you got to choose my project, we also Connected a Vue.js front-end to Django REST back-end , had a Vue.js Nuxt Application Dev video, and learned how to create a calculator using Vue.js!

I had a great time with you guys during the coding stream! Thank you for all of your support to my channel.

As always, you can connect with me via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to see some interesting web developing content everyday, and a little bit of my (feline) coworkers as well (I'm also a foster mom and many of the kittens are up for adoption!!). Make sure to join our Discord chat as well, I’m actively online chatting with our community and answering any questions you might have there!

Have a great week, guys!