Welcome back to another weekly update. I hope you are staying safe and healthy. Here is some new content to help you fill up any extra time you might have.
New Content
- I'm on codewars! You can connect with me there and challenge me to a Kata if you want :)
- Another Podcast episode on Recruiter/Developer Relationships: Faraday Tech Cafe s1 e2 -> RSS, YouTube
- Video Introduction to Git & Github
- Livestreams - Curriculum App Series
- New blog post: What is Functional Programming? An Overview - part 2
Upcoming Content
- New livestream today at 4 pm EDT
- Podcast episode coming out tomorrow on the topic of blockchain development!
- More Vue.js content coming soon!
- New Blog Article, Functional Programming - part 3, on Wednesday
Recommended Content
This is a YouTube channel that has really lifted my mood this week:
- Great Depression Cooking - This lady talks about growing up in hard times and how she stays positive through life's challenges (while she is demoing recipes of course).
Don't forget to subscribe if you want weekly updates on content I create.
Have a great week!