Weekly Update, November 16th

Hello, everyone!

How are you all doing?

Here comes, our weekly updates:

  • 13K subscribers on Youtube!! Thank you guys!!
  • You can find my newly released book on Amazon's Kindle, Apple and much more! Check out this link for all available options.

Here's all that's coming up this week at Faraday Academy:

This Week

  • EVERYDAY: This week's theme is Django! I'll be checking our Discord chat and interacting with you guys this whole week, so make sure you're part of our community here! :) And there's also some Youtube videos on the way!!
  • THURSDAY: We will have a Django Livestream Hackathon!! Starting at 9 am EDT, on my Twitch channel.
  • FRIDAY: Join me for a Coding Games Challenge Stream this Friday starting at 11 am EDT, on Twitch!

Next week, I will be doing Flask!

Past Week

Side note: For every cover picture, I'll be giving the credits and place taken right here! So we can all appreciate a beautiful place in the world once a week. This week's picture is taken at Almaty, Kazakhstan, and it was taken by @dana.stardust.

You can also connect with me via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to see some interesting web developing content every day. Make sure to join our Discord chat as well, I’m actively online chatting with our community and answering any questions you may have there!

Have fun this week, and let's get some coding done!