Weekly Update, September 28th

Hi, everyone!

Thanks for the 700 followers on Instagram and reaching 1000 followers on Twitter, you guys are awesome!

Here's all that's coming up this week at Faraday Academy:

This Week

  • MONDAY:  We had our weekly Instagram Q&A Livestream. I'm thinking of also starting a Discord livestream, let me know what you think!
  • WEDNESDAY: This Wednesday at 10 am EDT, we'll be having another coding game! You can join me on my Twitch channel! :)
  • THURSDAY:  At 1 pm EDT, I'll be live for a Vue.js livestream on my Twitch channel!!
  • SUNDAY: Coding livestreams at 11am EDT on my Twitch channel!

Past Week

Check out all these fresh contents from this past week. We:

You can also connect with me via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to see some interesting web developing content every day. Make sure to join our Discord chat as well, I’m actively online chatting with our community and answering any questions you may have there!

See you guys on Wednesday!